The Sunday Quick Post: Monkeypox isn’t a gay disease
Stigma lies just about everywhere these days and fortunately, education is helping us remove stigmas from a lot of issues, but what happens when old stigmas come back? Monkeypox is something that’s been well covered by now and just like the HIV/AIDS epidemic of the 1980’s, it’s now being thought that it’s spread by gay and bisexual men. Monkeypox is not an STI Let’s get something straight. Monkeypox is not a gay disease and saying it is, is irresponsible and dangerous. Monkeypox is not a sexual disease, meaning people do not have to have sexual contact with someone to get it. They just must have close physical contact. In fact,…
The Sunday Quick Post: What is PrEP?
What is PrEP? PrEP is short for Pre-exposure prophylaxis and it is a medication taken orally to prevent getting HIV. But it’s not a quick fix and safe sex is necessary to further make sure you are protected. How long has it been around? While PrEP is relatively new in the medical community, only coming to light in 2012, it’s been widely used among many people to prevent contracting HIV. It’s 99% effective at preventing HIV through anal sex when taken properly and also for use in people who may be exposed due to intravenous drug use. Is there just one type of PrEP? There are two specific types of…