Reflection and Starting Again
I was looking back over life in general this year and I started feeling motivated to write again. Not gonna lie, I am stoned and watching a phenomenal movie about feminism and revenge, so this may be a one time thing, although I hope not. 2020 hasn’t been the best year for anyone on the damn planet, so when I think of how it’s affected me, I think most can empathize when I say Ive been stressed the fuck out! I do know though, that this won’t last forever, AKA, this too shall pass. Yep, I said it. “Recovery” talk. Gross, huh? I think so. I mean it’s no secret…
I’m a sex worker…
And I’m a Christian, monogamous and modest. Here’s my story. When I started this whole thing, I was nearly fully covered. I figured I would sell a few panties, make some cash and quit. Little did I know, I fell in love with the job and it has a name. Sex work. Now growing up, I thought sex work strictly meant prostitute and fortunately, I learned a lot after getting into this field. I’ll get to the point shortly but bear with me for a minute. My initial panty selling was just my lower half. Only the parts of me showing a panty. Then I would show more but…
Body positivity in a world of competition
How the fetish world helps me recover from mental illness. TRIGGER WARNING: I mention self -injury and body image issues. As humans, we are bombarded everyday with what the “perfect” body is supposed to be. What size, shape, color, age…the list goes on and on. We open social media and if there’s not an article, there’s an advertisement or simply a picture of what the idea body should look like. So, how we keep positive in a world with such high expectations? First of all, anyone who says they are 100% confident 100% of the time is just simply lying. We are human and imperfections come with the territory. Maybe…